How To Restart Your Android Phone

Rebooting Android phones is easy, but the steps may vary depending on your phone’s model and operating system version. If it’s your first time using an Android smartphone, we’ll show you different ways to reboot the device.Note: Make sure you manually close apps before restarting your Android device so you don’t lose any unsaved data. Use Your Phone’s Power Button Almost all brands and models of Android smartphones have a power button....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 907 words · Jeffrey Jarrett

How To Save Web Page To Word Document Fast And Easy

In this post, you’ll discover how you can open HTML files in Word and save them in one of the supported file formats. Saving Web Pages to Word The easiest method, but with the worst results usually, is to simply save the webpage to your computer and then try to open it in Word. First, open your browser and go to the webpage you want to save. In the example below, we’re using Google Chrome but the process should work for any web browser....

November 6, 2022 · 4 min · 754 words · Nan Leko

How To Share Files Between Pcs Smartphones And Tablets

In this article, I hope to give you as complete a guide to sharing across devices as possible. It’s going to be long, so feel free to skip down to the section that applies to you. The sections will be broken down into sharing between computers, sharing between computers and mobile devices, and sharing between mobile devices only.Note: This article will link out to a lot of my previous posts on Online Tech Tips and Help Desk Geek because those articles explain certain tasks step by step....

November 6, 2022 · 9 min · 1797 words · Anne Boles

How To Split A Large File Into Multiple Smaller Pieces

What happens when you want to move such a large file? Can you break a large file into smaller chunks to make sharing easier?Here’s how you split a file into multiple files using free software. GSplit GSplit is a free file splitting tool you can use to split up those large files. With GSplit, you can:· Control the individual split file sizes and the output file types· Unite your split files into a single file· Create a custom naming scheme for split files· Use the Express file splitter for rapid file splitting· Create self-uniting split filesFirst up, download and install GSplit....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 884 words · Ronald Mason

How To Turn Yourself Into A Cartoon Using Bitmoji

So if you enjoy creating and using your own emojis, try creating your own Bitmoji. Seeing your cute cartoon-style face online is bound to make people smile. Learn how to use Bitmoji to turn yourself into a cartoon and bring more fun into your communication with friends and family. How Is Bitmoji Different from Bitstrips? Snapchat is constantly trying to come up with new fun add-ons for its users. They’re rolling out new updates all the time, and sometimes it takes a while to get used to it, like figuring out what all the different Snapchat emojis mean....

November 6, 2022 · 4 min · 795 words · Luis Benefield

How To Use Obsidian As A Personal Wiki On Your Computer

But most methods of creating private wikis are rather tedious. Either they need you to set up an offline server of sorts, complete with HTML and CSS, or they just let you access a webpage with your web browser.What if you wanted plain and simple wiki pages that can be stored on your computer in a single file or folder? That’s where Obsidian comes in. What Is Obsidian? At its basic, Obsidian is an amazing note-taking application....

November 6, 2022 · 4 min · 649 words · Natasha Pruneda

How To Use Peter Answers Tips Tricks

If you don’t know how to use Peter Answers yet, then you may not realize that it’s nothing more than a prank website. And if your friends don’t know this, just tell them that it’s just another virtual tarot website and you can play the funniest prank on them. What Is Peter Answers? It’s a Prank Peter Answers (also known as Ask Peter) is a website presented as a virtual tarot site....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 874 words · Leona Guadalupe

Redmi Watch 2 Lite Perfect Smartwatch For Those On A Budget

In this Xiaomi Redmi Watch 2 Lite review, we’ll cover this gadget’s specs, smartwatch & fitness tracker features ‌it offers, and help you decide whether this smartwatch is the right fit for you. Xiaomi Redmi Watch 2 Lite: First Impressions & Specs If you just need a wearable to track your sports activities, you’re probably better off getting yourself a Fitbit or something similar, like the Mi Band 6. However, if you prefer the look and style of a smartwatch, Xiaomi Redmi Watch 2 Lite is the perfect pick for you....

November 6, 2022 · 8 min · 1635 words · Dawn Saylor

Ssd Solid State Drive Buying Guide For 2019

Hopefully, by the end of our guide, you’ll know everything there is to know about buying SSDs. If you’re not buying an SSD today, make sure to bookmark this page so that you have the information ready for when you do decide to purchase one. Why Buy an SSD? It’s quite straightforward – SSDs are far faster than standard hard drives and typically less likely to break down. SSDs use flash cells that are charged up with electricity....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 960 words · Keith Dion

Steam Won T Open 12 Fixes To Try

However, every now and then Steam simply won’t open. What’s worse, you may not get any error message or indication of why this is happening. If that’s what you’re experiencing, these are the most common fixes. 1. Kill Steam Processes With Task Manager Steam sometimes won’t open because it never actually closed in the first place. To make sure it’s properly closed, do the following:Usually Steam will start up immediately when you open it again....

November 6, 2022 · 4 min · 842 words · Christine Trovillion

The 10 Best Sites To Watch Cartoons Online For Free

If you’re a parent looking for some free entertainment for your kids, please be aware that not all cartoons are suitable for children. We’ve marked websites that cater exclusively to adult viewers, but many streaming sites host both types of cartoon, so parental oversight is always recommended. 1. YouTube YouTube has just about every sort of content you can imagine, that includes original cartoons as well as uploads of classic movies....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 892 words · Merrill Maring

The 5 Best Nintendo 64 Games

The improved technology in these systems allowed games to be more complex than ever before and brought the story and complexity of game mechanics to never-before-seen levels.The Nintendo 64 is home to some of the greatest games ever made, many of which are known even to non-gamers. Narrowing down the best Nintendo 64 games out a total of 338 entries for the platform isn’t an easy task, but it just shows what a groundbreaking system it was....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 1059 words · Mario Hill

The Best Android Games For 7 To 10 Year Old Kids 2021

Please remember that some apps may include in-app purchases. Ensure that your children cannot make purchases without your permission by adjusting the appropriate settings in your Google account. Educational Apps These apps are mainly educational, but with a fun twist that will hold your child’s attention. They won’t even realize they’re learning in between all the fun! Endless Alphabet – In-app Paid Unlock (Ages 8 and Under) Endless Alphabet has 100 interactive word puzzles that are brought to life by a cast of colorful monsters....

November 6, 2022 · 7 min · 1396 words · Patrick Wilson

The Best Free Apps For A New Iphone

So what are the best free apps to download for your new iPhone right away? Well, there are a bunch! Obviously, everyone will have their preferences, so I’ll try to keep this list fairly general and useful for anyone. In addition, I won’t list many alternatives, just one or two at the most and normally the best ones.I’ll also break it down by category, so if you’re looking for the best video app or chat app, you can skip down to the appropriate section....

November 6, 2022 · 9 min · 1812 words · Jan Brown

What Is A Twitter Thread And How To Create Your First One

With the tweet thread, you don’t have to limit yourself to the standard 280 characters. Instead, you can use this social media platform to provide additional context or arguments for your point, as well as update it later with more information. Below you’ll find more information about what Twitter threads look like and how you can create your first one. What’s a Twitter Thread? It used to be that every tweet had a strict character limit of 140 characters, and that’s all you could write in a single post on Twitter....

November 6, 2022 · 6 min · 1200 words · Jessica Franklin

What Is Https And Why You Should Care

Until then, most browsers were fully capable of receiving secure HTTP content, but few site owners bothered to set up their websites using HTTPS.What is HTTPS? It stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure. And today, this secure version of HTTP is how the majority of websites on the internet transmit their content to browsers. What Is HTTPS? When a website uses HTTPS, it means that all of the data being transmitted between that website and your browser is encrypted....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 870 words · Randy Bires

What Is Hyperthreading And Why Should You Care

Clearly hyperthreading is a good thing because you have to pay extra for it, but what does it do? Most importantly, is it something that you should care about? To answer these burning questions, we have to take a short detour into how CPUs do their thing. Unlimited Power! Even if you aren’t all that interested in the fine technical details of computer technology, you’ve probably heard of Moore’s Law before....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 934 words · Son Butcher

Why Can T I Add Someone On Facebook 8 Possible Reasons

There are many reasons you can’t add someone on Facebook, and it doesn’t automatically mean someone has blocked you. If you’re wondering what some of these other reasons may be, look at the list below to find out which one may be occurring for you. 1. Their Privacy Settings A common reason you may be unable to add someone on Facebook is because of how they may have changed their privacy settings....

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 972 words · Robert Martindale

10 Tips To Use Dropbox More Effectively

So here are some new (and old but updated) tips for how to use Dropbox more effectively. If you’ve apathetic to your cloud-based hard drive, one of these hot tips might just make you feel excited about it again. Restoring Dropbox Files Although you only see one copy of your data in Dropbox at first glance, the service actually has a rolling window that you can revert to for any file....

November 5, 2022 · 7 min · 1422 words · Brian Allen

10 Useful Gadgets To Make Practically Any Car Smart

Modern vehicles offer digital dashboards that display the apps on your phone, infotainment, 360-degree cameras, keyless entry, and much, much more. But the reality is, many people drive their vehicles for years, sometimes until the engines seize. These older vehicles may have some modern capabilities, but not the kind of advancements that align well with mobile technology today.Wouldn’t it be nice to somehow align your vehicle with the technological life you live, regardless of your vehicle’s age?...

November 5, 2022 · 8 min · 1597 words · Michael Mangum