How To Become An Influencer On Instagram

Let’s break down what an influencer on Instagram is and what they do, as well as how you can become one. What’s an Instagram Influencer? Contrary to popular belief, working as an Instagram influencer is different from simply sharing content on Instagram. An influencer is a social media user who influences decisions that other people — their followers — make. An Instagram influencer is someone who’s made a reputation around a certain subject or “niche” on the platform....

November 5, 2022 · 6 min · 1110 words · Michael Peterson

How To Build A Basic Web Presence If You Have No Coding Skills

As there are so many people who want a website but lack coding skills, a lot of services have cropped up over the years for non-technical people to design and launch their own websites.The following are nine of the best online services for creating your own basic web presence even if you have no coding skills at all. When you sign up for an account, you get your own URL on the About....

November 5, 2022 · 6 min · 1113 words · Frank Stcyr

How To Change Your Riot Games Username And Tagline

Your username and Riot ID are different. Your username is used to log into your account, but your Riot ID is your display name across all games. Your tagline is an up to five-character hash following your username. The combination of these two features means that neither one has to be unique, as long as the combination is original. This results in more options for name customization. Since you can change your Riot ID every 30 days, you can make a new display name for each month....

November 5, 2022 · 3 min · 537 words · Gary Haverstick

How To Color In Procreate

Procreate has designed coloring to be efficient, so you don’t need to spend time locating specific colors you want to use to do high-quality art projects. There are many tools in Procreate, and in this tutorial, we’ll show you how to make creating art easier. The Basics of Coloring in Procreate Go to the Colors panel to get started with coloring. Select the circle on the top-right corner of the screen....

November 5, 2022 · 4 min · 698 words · Harvey Kershaw

How To Connect Spotify To Discord

If you’re a Discord user, you can connect Spotify to Discord, letting you share your music habits with your friends as you play games and chat on your own Discord server. If you want to know how to connect Spotify to Discord, all you need is a Spotify account and a Discord server to test on. Why You Should Connect Spotify To Discord If you love music, it makes sense to share it....

November 5, 2022 · 6 min · 1073 words · Elizabeth Ash

How To Control A Wemo Insight Switch Using Alexa Echo

The great thing about using a WeMo switch with the Echo is that it works without requiring you to install a third-party skill on the Echo or buying a hub. The three WeMo devices that work directly with Alexa are the WeMo Light Switch, WeMo Switch and WeMo Insight Switch.Overall, it’s really easy getting everything setup, but I’ll also mention some troubleshooting tips in case it doesn’t work on the first try....

November 5, 2022 · 4 min · 687 words · Harold Turner

How To Crosspost On Reddit

Some subreddits have huge audiences, making it much easier to spread your message. Others are much smaller, with niche audiences focused around a central topic. This is where crossposting becomes essential. So, if you want to know how to crosspost on Reddit, here’s what you’ll need. What is a Reddit Crosspost? When we talk about crossposting, we mean the process of posting the same Reddit post in several different subreddits....

November 5, 2022 · 4 min · 688 words · Joanne Nelson

How To Dial Into A Zoom Meeting With A Phone Number

Dial-in By Phone and Zoom Free Basic Accounts At the time of writing this, Zoom gave notice that “Due to increased demand, dial-in by phone audio conferencing capabilities may be temporarily removed from your free Basic account.” What Zoom is literally saying is you might be able to dial into a Zoom meeting with a phone number or you might not. The dial-in feature might come back to the free account, or it might not....

November 5, 2022 · 4 min · 810 words · Gregory Santiago

How To Open Uif File

There are many formats for creating images files of CD/DVDs, but UIF is used because it provides better encryption and also has better compression. The most common image format is ISO.Instead of trying to mount a UIF directly, the best option is to convert the UIF image to an ISO image and then mount the ISO image. In this article, I’ll walk you through the various steps. MagicISO Since MagicISO is the program that creates these UIF files, we can use it to decompress and convert the UIF to to ISO....

November 5, 2022 · 3 min · 565 words · John Wallace

How To Record A Macro In Excel

Excel macros allow you to automate many of the common tasks you’ll perform, from inserting formulas to formatting data. You don’t need to be a programmer to create them, as Excel can record your actions as you perform them. If you want to know how to record a macro in Excel, you’ll need to follow the steps below. What Is an Excel Macro? An Excel macro is a recorded set of instructions, created manually in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) or recorded automatically using Excel’s Macro Recorder tool....

November 5, 2022 · 3 min · 594 words · Marian Tenda

How To Use Smart Devices To Protect Your Home

But what if the home didn’t appear to be empty? Smart home technology makes it possible to give the appearance of presence in the home, even if you’re a couple of flights away. No security system is foolproof, but thieves want easy targets. If you make your home too difficult to easily rob, most would-be burglars will go somewhere else. We’re not going to talk about security cameras here as we’ve covered that before and that’s an obvious first-choice deterrent....

November 5, 2022 · 4 min · 751 words · Sonja Gourdine

How To Use Vlookup In Excel

The VLOOKUP function in Excel scares a lot of people because it has a lot of parameters and there are multiple ways to use it. In this article you’ll learn all of the ways you can use VLOOKUP in Excel and why the function is so powerful. VLOOKUP Parameters In Excel When you start typing =VLOOKUP( into any cell in Excel, you’ll see a pop-up showing all of the available function parameters....

November 5, 2022 · 6 min · 1095 words · Dennis Futrell

Is Your Amazon Account Locked 4 Ways To Fix It

2. An uncommonly high number of orders for a new account 3. High volume of returns 4. Unusual gift card activity 5. Using Different IP addresses with varying locations Make sure that you attach the documents and information asked by the account specialist. If you have not received any email regarding this matter, then proceed with these steps. Call +1 (206)-266-2992; if you’re from the U.S. If you live outside America, the number you should call is 1-888-230-4331....

November 5, 2022 · 2 min · 244 words · Randolph Lindstrom

Is Your Ps5 Overheating 6 Ways To Cool It Down

Before sending your precious console in for assessment and repair, there are several things you can try that won’t void the warranty and might solve your issue. So if your PS5 console needs to chill out, here’s what you need to do. Symptoms of an Overheating PS5 With millions of units sold to gamers worldwide, some PS5s will inevitably develop faults. Don’t assume that any weird behavior from your console is automatically heat-related....

November 5, 2022 · 7 min · 1361 words · Christine Leon

Recover Or Restore Missing Recycle Bin Icon In Windows Vista 7 8

So without further ado, here’s how you would get your Recycle Bin icon back in Windows if you deleted it or removed it by accident. Windows Vista First, right-click on the Desktop and select Personalize. In the dialog box on the right hand side, there should be an option called Change desktop icons.On the Change desktop icons dialog box, go ahead and check the Recycle Bin box to add that back to your desktop....

November 5, 2022 · 3 min · 500 words · Luis Mason

The 3 Best Online Pomodoro Applications

When Francesco Cirillo developed the technique in the 80s, he thought the 25-minute intervals set by a standard tomato-shaped kitchen timer were perfect for productivity.The way the method works is simple. Set a timer for 25 minutes and focus all of your attention on a single task. After those 25 minutes are up, take a 5 minute break before setting another 25 minute timer.After two 25 minute segments, or “Poms,” take a 10 minute break....

November 5, 2022 · 3 min · 487 words · Judith Walton

The 4 Best World Of Warcraft Expansions

The game was not always the powerhouse it is today, though. While always popular, World of Warcraft started with somewhat more humble beginnings. When the game first launched, it looked much different than it does today. The world of Azeroth consisted only of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. It took the introduction of the game’s first expansion, Burning Crusade, to expand the world beyond its humble beginnings. If you’ve ever wondered what the best World of Warcraft expansions are, we have ordered them here....

November 5, 2022 · 5 min · 865 words · Patricia Woods

The 7 Best Gmail Add Ons

Users can install add-ons through the Google Workspace Marketplace. Open the marketplace and click the Works with Gmail tab on the left side of the screen to sort by compatible add-ons only. 7 Best Gmail Add-Ons Keep in mind that many people use the term add-on and plugin interchangeably, but this is not the case. An extension is installed in your browser, while a Gmail add-on is installed in the G Suite app....

November 5, 2022 · 5 min · 931 words · Lupe Stigers

The Best Smart Lights When Style Matters

In our article about the best smart lights on a budget, we focused on utility and cost. This guide will be entirely the opposite and instead focus wholly on the best smart lights with style with no regard for cost.If you’re decking out a game room, man cave, or home theater and you want the absolute coolest lights, this guide is for you. Two companies dominate this list: LIF and Nanoleaf....

November 5, 2022 · 4 min · 812 words · Mildred Stubblefield

Three Keyboard Apps Worth Using Over Your Smartphone S Default

Photo editing and messaging are two such functions where we’ve seen outside software companies and tech giants swoop in to rescue users from native smartphone capabilities that don’t live up to consumers’ constantly evolving expectations. The smartphone keyboard is yet another area where people are ditching their smartphone defaults for other apps, thereby improving the quality, efficiency and speed with which they type text messages, emails and more.While there is a litany of keyboard apps available for download with Android and iOS, here are three offering unique features and benefits that make them worth investigating first....

November 5, 2022 · 8 min · 1594 words · Mamie Penn